Import and processing of insect resistant and herbicide tolerant generically modified maize 1507xMON810xMIR162xNK603
- The present application (EFSA/GMO/NL/2015/127) concerns import and processing for use in feed and food of genetically modified maize 1507xMON810xMIR162xNK603;
- 1507xMON810xMIR162xNK603 was produced by conventional crossbreeding of the parental GM lines 1507, MON810, MIR162 and NK603;
- COGEM advised positively on import and processing of all four parental lines;
- The GM line expresses the cry1F, cry1Ab, vip3Aa20, pmi, cp4 epsps and pat genes;
- 1507xMON810xMIR162xNK603 is resistant to certain lepidopteran insects, tolerant to glyphosate and glufosinate-ammonium containing herbicides and has the ability to utilize mannose as the primary carbon source;
- The molecular characterization of 1507xMON810xMIR162xNK603 is updated and meets the criteria of COGEM;
- In the Netherlands feral maize populations cannot occur;
- Hybridisation of maize with other species is not possible in the Netherlands;
- The molecular characterization of 1507xMON810xMIR162xNK603 maize is adequate;
- There are no indications that expression of the introduced traits or any combination thereof will alter the fitness of 1507xMON810xMIR162xNK603 maize;Import and processing of maize 1507xMON810xMIR162xNK603 poses a negligible risk to the environment in the Netherlands;
- COGEM abstains from giving advice on the potential risks of incidental consumption since a food/feed assessment is already carried out by other organisations.