Biomedical research, Independent consultant
IQ Healthcare, Radboud University Medical Centre
Wageningen University and Research, Plant Breeding
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam
Microbiology, Mycology, Faculty of Science, Departement of Biology, Utrecht University
Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Department Clinical Genetics
Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam, Virology
Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Neurosurgery
Wageningen University, Cultural geography and ethics
Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Leiden)
University Medical Center Utrecht
University of GroningenSoil microbiology
Ecophysiology of plants University of Groningen; Chair Subcommittee Agriculture
Leiden University Medical CentreMedical Virology
Vaccin R&D, Animal Health, DGVAC Consultancy
Erasmus MC Rotterdam
Leiden University Medical Center
Utrecht University
Deining Societal Innovation & Governance, Social Communication and Governance of new biotechnical developments
Leiden University Medical Centre, Molecular Virology
VU University Amsterdam, Genetics
Institute Biology Leiden (IBL)Plant Cell Physiology
Wageningen University & Reserach
VU University Amsterdam, Chair Subcommittee Ethics and Societal Aspects
Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, Sustainable Innovation in Life Sciences & Health
Virology, Wageningen University and Research
Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Faculty of Law Legal theory, regulation of biotechnology
University of Utrecht Infectiology, Chair Subcommittee Medical and Veterinary Aspects
Radboud University Medical Center
Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Wageningen University Researchcentre
University of Maastricht
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) Plant Evolution University of Amsterdam
Netherlands Institute of Ecology
Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam Neurology
Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University, Genomics Education and Communication
Agronomy, Crop protection, Biobased economy, Wageningen University & Research
GD Animal Health, Poultry Health
Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, Crop protection and fytopathology