Renewal of authorization for import and processing of maize Bt11: additional information
In May 2008, COGEM advised on the renewal of the authorization for import and processing of the genetically modified maize line Bt11. COGEM was of the opinion that incidental spillage of Bt11 poses negligible risks to the environment. Therefore, COGEM considered the risks associated with import and processing of maize line Bt11 negligible.
In the application concerning the renewal of the authorization new sequence data were provided. The sequence of the insert and its flanking regions was updated. In her previous advice on this application, COGEM had some remarks on the fact that the sequence data in this application differ from the information present in previous applications. However, COGEM concluded that the differences in the sequence data did not affect the outcome of the environmental risk analysis negatively.
In addition, COGEM questioned some aspects of the general surveillance plan provided. The applicant has now provided more and detailed information on monitoring. COGEM considers the revised general surveillance plan sufficient for import and processing of Bt11 maize.
In view of the above COGEM remains of the opinion that import and processing of maize Bt11 poses a negligible risk to the environment.