Import, distribution and retail of GM carnation FLO-40685-1
The application by Suntory Holdings Ltd. of file C/NL/13/02 concerns the authorisation for import, distribution and retail of genetically modified (GM) carnation variety FLO-40685-1.
Carnation does not have weedy characteristics and although carnation has been cultivated for centuries, there are no reports of establishment of cut flower carnation varieties in the wild. The GM carnation variety FLO-40685-1 has a modified flower colour and is tolerant to sulfonylurea herbicides. These traits are not associated with a potential for weediness.
Carnation is not able to fertilise wild relatives spontaneously and, therefore, the risk of transfer of the introduced genes to related species is negligible. Production of seed on cut flowers is highly improbable.
The molecular characterization of FLO-40685-1 meets the criteria of COGEM. COGEM considers the General Surveillance plan adequate for import of FLO-40685-1.
The application does not concern an authorization for use as food. COGEM is of the opinion that there are no reasons to assume that a rare case of incidental consumption will pose a risk to human health.
In view of the above, COGEM is of the opinion that the risks to the environment and human health resulting from import of cut flowers of GM carnation variety FLO-40685-1 are negligible.