Import and processing of the genetically modified soybean MON87705xMON87708xMON89788 with an altered fatty acid profile
- This application (EFSA/GMO/NL/2015/126) concerns import and processing for use in feed and food of genetically modified (GM) soybean MON87705xMON87708xMON89788;
- This GM soybean MON87705xMON87708xMON89788 was produced by conventional crossbreeding of MON87705, MON87708 and MON89788;
- COGEM advised positively on import and processing of all three parental lines;
- The GM soybean contains the expression cassettes for cp4 epsps and dmo conferring tolerance to glyphosate and dicamba containing herbicides;
- MON87705xMON87708xMON89788 contains a suppressor cassette for fatb and fad2 resulting in a modified fatty acid composition;
- The molecular characterization of MON87705xMON87708xMON89788 is updated and meets the criteria of COGEM;
- The chance that a feral soybean population will establish in the Netherlands is negligible;
- Soybean cannot hybridise with other species in the Netherlands;
- Import and processing of soybean MON87705xMON87708xMON8978 poses a negligible risk to the environment in the Netherlands;
- COGEM abstains from giving advice on the potential risks of incidental consumption since a food/feed assessment is carried out by other organisations.