Pollen flow out of greenhouses for wind-pollinated species
During experiments on genetically modified (gm-)plants in greenhouses measures are taken to prevent the spread of pollen into the environment. The pollen of wind-pollinated species may be contained by the use of one of the following strategies: by removal of flowers, by covering flowers with a fine pollen-proof mesh or by keeping the windows of the greenhouse closed. In actual practice the first two containment measures are not always feasible, and keeping the windows of the greenhouse shut leads to costs for e.g. cooling.
Containment measures concerning handling of gm-plants and construction of the laboratories or greenhouses have been formulated based upon the experience, common sense and judgment of experts in the field. Many of these containment measures do not have an extensive scientific basis (see COGEM report ‘Evidence-based biosafety: A review of the effectiveness of microbiological containment measures’, CGM 2008-02). Verification of the effectiveness and necessity of the containment measures is important to ensure that no unnecessary costs or impractical regulations are imposed upon those working with gm-plants.
COGEM has ordered this study to provide experimental evidence for the hypothesis that pollen can spread through the windows of a greenhouse into the environment. This study is aimed at verification of the scientific basis for containment measures on wind-pollinating gm-plants.