Import of genetically modified maize LY038 with a higher lysine content
This notification concerns the import and processing of the genetically modified maize line LY038 for use in food and feed. Cultivation is not part of the application. The maize line harbors the gene cordapA conferring a higher lysine content. COGEM did not advise on such a maize line before. In 2006, an application was granted for cultivation of LY038 in the USA and Canada
In the Netherlands, no wild relatives of maize are present and establishment of maize plants in the wild has never been observed. There are no reasons to assume that the inserted traits will increase the potential of the maize line to establish feral populations. In addition, the appearance of volunteers is very rare under Dutch conditions.
COGEM points out that there is a lack of information regarding the molecular analysis. In particular incomplete data are presented on the analysis of the flanking sequences. It is not sufficiently proven that the flanking regions of the insert represent the actual integration site in the genome or consist of co-integrated DNA. Moreover, the applicant does not underpin its statement that the flanking sequences consist of genomic maize DNA.
COGEM is of the opinion that the environmental risks of the import of LY038 probably are negligible. However, due to the lacking data concerning the molecular characterisation, this opinion can not be sufficiently substantiated. Therefore, COGEM is of the opinion that the applicant has to provide the missing data before a final judgement can be issued.