
Import and processing of soybean line 305423×40-3-2

Advisory reports | 16.04.2008 | 080416-01

The present notification by Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc. concerns the import and processing for use in feed and food of the hybrid soybean line 305423 x 40-3-2. Cultivation is not part of this application.
The soybean line was produced by cross-breeding two genetically modified lines. The hybrid line contains the gm-fad2-1 gene fragment, resulting in a high oleic phenotype. Furthermore, the gm-hra gene is expressed which confers tolerance to acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides. Finally, the line is also tolerant to glyphosate-containing herbicides due to the presence of the cp4 epsps gene.
 Previously, COGEM advised positively on import and processing of both parental lines. COGEM has also given a positive advice on the cultivation of soybean line 40-3-2.

In Europe, wild relatives of soybean are not present and modern soybean cultivars do not possess any of the attributes commonly associated with problematic weeds. In addition, survival of soybean is not possible in the North-Western European climate. Establishment of feral soybean populations has never been observed in European countries. There is no reason to assume that the inserted genes would increase the potential of the soybean to establish feral populations. Therefore, COGEM is of the opinion that incidental spillage of the soybeans will not pose a risk to the environment.
In consideration of these aspects, COGEM is of the opinion that the import and processing of soybean line 305423 x 40-3-2 poses a negligible risk to the environment.

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