
Import and processing of genetically modified soybean DBN9004 with herbicide tolerance

Advisory reports | 14.05.2021 | CGM/210514-01
  • The present application (EFSA/GMO/BE/2019/165) concerns the authorisation for import and processing for use in feed and food of genetically modified (GM) soybean DBN9004;
  • The GM soybean expresses the genes pat and cp4 epsps conferring tolerance to glufosinate-ammonium and glyphosate containing herbicides, respectively;
  • In the Netherlands, feral soybean populations do not occur and hybridisation of soybean with other species is not possible;
  • The molecular characterisation of GM soybean DBN9004 meets the criteria of COGEM;
  • There are no indications, nor there is reason to assume that the introduced traits will allow GM soybean DBN9004 to survive in the Dutch environment;
  • COGEM is of the opinion that import and processing of GM soybean DBN9004 poses a negligible risk to the environment in the Netherlands;
  • COGEM abstains from giving advice on the potential risks of incidental consumption since a food/feed assessment is carried out by other organisations.
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