Cultivation of genetically modified potato AV43-6-G7
This application concerns cultivation, import and processing of the genetically modified potato AV43-6-G7. AV43-6-G7 is an amylose-free potato obtained by down regulation of the Potato Granule Bound Starch Synthase I (GBSSI) gene. The genetic modification did not introduce any new traits or components such as new metabolites or proteins.
Previously, COGEM issued several positive advices concerning field trials with AV43-6-G7 potato in the Netherlands. Furthermore, COGEM advised positively on the cultivation, import and processing of a similar genetically modified amylose-free potato in 2004.
In the Netherlands, the presence of potato (S. tuberosum) volunteers is possible, but S. tuberosum does not establish itself. There are no reasons to assume that the inserted trait will allow AV43-6-G7 potato to establish feral populations. In addition, routine agricultural practices like ploughing, harrowing, herbicide application and the compulsory measures to control potato blight, eliminate emerging volunteer plants in the field. In the Netherlands, outcrossing between S. tuberosum and wild relatives is not possible, since efficient incompatibility barriers prevent hybridization between S. tuberosum and these wild relatives.
COGEM is of the opinion that the molecular characterization of AV43-6-G7 potato is adequate. In addition, COGEM considers the General Surveillance plan sufficient for cultivation, import and processing of AV43-6-G7 potato.
Based on the aspects discussed above, COGEM is of the opinion that cultivation of AV43-6-G7 potato poses a negligible risk to the environment and has no objections against an authorization for cultivation of AV43-6-G7 potato. COGEM points out that a food/feed safety assessment is carried out by other organizations. Therefore, COGEM abstains from advice on the potential risks of incidental consumption.