Additional advice on import and processing of GM oilseed rape MON94100
In May 2021, COGEM advised on the application for the hypothetical import and processing of GM oilseed rape MON94100. This oilseed rape event will be used to produce stacked events via traditional breeding and will not be commercialised as a stand-alone product.
COGEM had two remarks about this application, which were submitted to EFSA by the Dutch Competent Authority. After publication of EFSA’s scientific opinion, the Dutch Food-Feed-portal asked COGEM whether its remarks were sufficiently answered by EFSA.
One of COGEM’s remarks concerned the confidential nature of the application. COGEM pointed out that information which is crucial to assess potential risks of a GM crop should not be declared confidential, because lack of transparency undermines public trust in risk assessment.
The other remark concerned EFSA’s requirement to submit a separate application for all single events that are used in a stacked event. Because of this requirement, applicants need to submit applications for single events that will not be commercialised, but will only be used to produce a stacked event. COGEM urged EFSA to lift this requirement because it leads to irrelevant assessments, needless administrative workloads, increased costs, as well as delays in the authorisation of stacked events.
COGEM’s remarks were not answered sufficiently by EFSA, but do not relate to the environmental safety of MON94100. COGEM remains of the opinion that the hypothetical import and processing of oilseed rape MON94100 poses a negligible risk to the environment in the Netherlands.