
Renewal application of maize T25

Advisory reports | 06.08.2008 | 080806-02

The present application by Bayer CropScience AG (file EFSA/GMO/NL/2007/46) concerns the renewal of the authorization for cultivation of the genetically modified maize line T25. This line contains the pat gene, resulting in tolerance to herbicides containing glufosinate ammonium.

During its long domestication process, maize has lost its ability to survive in the wild. In the Netherlands, the appearance of maize volunteers is rare and establishment of volunteers in the wild has never been reported. There are no reasons to assume that the introduced trait will increase the potential of maize to establish feral populations. The gene introduced in T25 cannot spread to closely related species since wild relatives of maize are not present in Europe. Furthermore, the general surveillance plan is adequate to detect unexpected effects due to cultivation of the maize line. Additionally, maize line T25 is cultivated during ten years in several countries and no adverse effects have been reported.

In view of the above, COGEM is of the opinion that cultivation poses negligible risks to the environment. Regarding the risks for food and feed, the outcome of the assessment by other, primary responsible, organizations (EFSA, RIKILT, RIVM) was not known at the moment of completion of this advice.

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