
Cultivation of insect resistant and herbicide tolerant maize 1507 x NK603

Advisory reports | 10.05.2006 | 060510-01

The present application concerns the cultivation of a genetically modified maize line. The hybrid maize line is developed through traditional breeding of the genetically modified maize lines 1507 and NK603. These parental lines contain genes (cry1F, pat and cp4 epsps) conferring resistance to certain lepidopteran insects, and tolerance to herbicides containing the active ingredient glufosinate-ammonium or glyphosate. In the Netherlands, no wild relatives of maize are present and establishment of maize plants in the wild has never been observed. There are no reasons to assume that the inserted traits will increase the potential of the maize line to establish feral populations. In addition, the appearance of volunteers is very rare under Dutch conditions.    COGEM evaluated the post-market monitoring plan and concluded that is was adequate. In the past, COGEM advised positively on the molecular characterization of maize 1507 x NK603.    Maize line 1507 x NK603 is already commercially grown in the USA and has a history of safe use. In the past, COGEM advised positively on both parental maize lines 1507 and NK603.    Based on these considerations, COGEM is of the opinion that the cultivation of maize line 1507 x NK603 poses a negligible risk to human health and the environment. Furthermore, COGEM stresses the importance of a relevant and thorough study on the effects of non-target organisms. COGEM urges that EU-wide, standardized criteria are formulated.

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